Man has long capitalized on the innovative products of Mother Nature, particularly the complex bioactive chemicals used to treat disease. It turns out though, that termite teamwork is one of nature's innovations about to have a lasting impact on human endeavors.
Now, innovative Harvard University scientists have designed tiny robots programmed with "termite rules" that collaborate to build complex structures independently of outside input or blueprints. Mimicking termite teamwork, the 8" x 4.5" robots manipulate foam bricks to build pyramids, towers, and even castles. If a ramp or stairway is needed to reach the top, well they just build one. Robots roam the construction site, using their infrared sensors, accelerometers, and ultrasound sensors to detect what needs to be done and then just do it. (I wonder if they're wearing little Nike running shoes.) :-)
The applications of this innovation in human-denied environments are monumental. No question in my mind that this development will one day have the world-shaking impact of biotechnology or the Internet.