We entrepreneurs are a needy bunch. We need money, we need employees, we need legal assistance, we need advice. It's always one thing or another, sometimes even just a bit of encouragement.
However, just because we decided to become entrepreneurs and started needing so much from others, this does not mean that the others all of a sudden stopped needing anything from us!
As an entrepreneur you are likely seeking "angels" such as angel investors to help you or your business, but think about this: Whose angel are you?
What can you do to help others? It does not have to involve money. Have you made some connections or found some resouces that could be helpful to someone else? Do you have a special skill or knowledge to share? Is there someone that you suspect could use a bit of encouragement right now?
If so, deploy that entrepreneurial spirit and go for it.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
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