Monday, March 30, 2009

Three Heads Are Better Than Two

Hey, you know the old saying about the relative merits of two heads as compared to a single such appendage. Well, that concept of course does not stop at two. With that in mind, I would like to add a third head to your arsenal (yours, mine, and this other guy that I am about to tell you about). I know, I know... you already have more than just my head as a reference, but please humor me for a moment.

I would like to introduce you to an interesting blog for entrepreneurs that I recently discovered. The writer is knowledgeable, which is great; has a direct style of writing, which is better, and adds humor and wit to his posts, which is best. Please check it out: Simply click on the title of this post on my blog to go to the other blog. Let me know what you think. I feel that the best material on the blog starts at March 16, 2009 and prior.