Thursday, April 22, 2010

Funds to Fight Imports

If your business has been negatively impacted by cheap imports or cheap foreign labor, there is a program that may be able to assist you in learning how you can adapt to the new market conditions.

The Trade Adjustment Assistance Center provides up to $75,000 to manufacturing and service companies that have been impacted by imports. The money is matched dollar-for-dollar to what your company expends (maximum project is $150,000). The money is used to hire third-party consultants who provide marketing, IT, budgeting, analysis, and efficiency-improvement project advice. To be eligible, a company must have had a drop of 5% or more in sales or employees due to foreign competition.

This project is funded by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. See MATAAC for more information.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obamacare and You!

Please see the announcement copied below regarding an opportunity to learn about how the new health care laws will impact your small business.

Main Street Alliance Phone Briefing for Small Business Owners
Health Care Reform: What it Means for Small Businesses

Wednesday, April 21 - 4pm ET // 1pm PT
Click Here to RSVP

Main Street Alliance Supporters:
We're writing to invite you to a special phone briefing on health care reform and what it means for small businesses on Wednesday, April 21 at 4pm ET // 1pm PT.
Now that health care reform has passed, many small business owners have questions about what it will mean for them and their businesses. As a small business owner, you might be wondering:
• Will reform stem the off-the-charts rate increases we've received in recent years?
• Will my business qualify for the new tax credits? If so, what will my credit be?
• How will the new health insurance exchanges help small businesses?
• What about the shared responsibility requirement?
• What if I'm self-employed, what will reform mean for me and my family?
If you're wondering about these or other questions, or just looking for information to share with other business owners about what's in health care reform for them, please join us!
Main Street Alliance Phone Briefing for Small Business Owners
Health Care Reform: What it Means for Small Businesses

Wednesday, April 21 - 4pm ET // 1pm PT
Click Here to RSVP

If you're interested in participating but can't make this time, send an email to; if there's enough interest, we'll schedule a repeat briefing in the following week.

Sam Blair
National Network Director
The Main Street Alliance