Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Simplify and Save

I often get clients who have attempted to write a business plan using one of the several business-plan-writing software programs that are available, some of them costing upwards of $400.

However, I have not once had a client that was able to write a comprehensible business plan using such programs. In fact, the reason I am writing this post is because I have had two clients in this situation within the past couple of weeks.

My advice is to save your money and not purchase one of these programs.

In general, the problem seems to be that the software is overly complex and tries to make you "slice and dice" your plans too many different ways. You end up repeating yourself unnecessarily, causing confusion for the reader and frustration for yourself as the writer.

I suspect that the publishers of these programs make them long and complex in order to make the purchaser feel like he got something for his money. Many entrepreneurs write business plans in order to solicit money from investors, or in order to get a bank loan. However, potential investors and lenders want a clear, concise business plan.

I have developed a business plan template and instructions that will guide you to solidify your plans and put them down on paper. If you are interested in receiving it, simply post a comment with your request.

Remember the K.I.S.S. principle!